Commercial Vehicles
Commercial vehicles are generally defined as a motor vehicle that is used for business purposes or the transportation of goods or passengers in exchange for compensation.
If you use your personal vehicle for business purposes, there is a chance that in the event of an accident, the claim will be denied and there would be no coverage under your personal auto policy. Let Haldimand Insurance Brokers take care of your commercial vehicle insurance to ensure you have the right coverage. This includes any vehicles used for business purposes including cars, vans, trucks, and trailers.

Common business uses we insure include construction and contracting, transporting goods, equipment and supplies, sales visits and calls, driving people around (e.g., Uber), or consultants who frequently visit clients.
The mandatory coverages in Ontario are third party liability coverage, accident benefits, direct compensation property damage, and uninsured automobile coverage.
There are optional coverages you may want to add to your commercial auto policy. Among the most common are Collision, Comprehensive, Optional Accident Benefits, Employers’ Hired and Non-owned Auto Liability.
If your business has five or more commercially rated vehicles, you may qualify for fleet insurance rates.
The Garage policy provides insurance during the time that a customer’s vehicle is in your care, custody and control.

If you operate a commercial vehicle in Ontario, you may need a valid Commercial Vehicle Operators’ registration (CVOR).
Learn more and apply here: commercial-vehicle-operators-registration-cvor-certificate